Men’s Ministry

Most men face the constant, daily pressures of work and increasingly demanding travel schedules. Very often, the negative impact of our work lives is felt at the level of our families and our personal relationships with God. The result is often isolation – from the Lord, from our families, and from other Christians. Bethel Men’s ministry exists to address these challenges. Our vision is that Bethel men will be transformed more into the likeness of Christ as husbands and fathers, sons and brothers.
“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another” –Proverbs 27:17

How to Connect

We strive to bring men of all ages together to strengthen relationships and camaraderie and to reach out to our friends, family, and community with the message of God’s love. There are many opportunities available to help you along this journey to becoming the man Christ created you to be. We encourage you to intentionally take the “First Step.” Just come, and give us a chance to get to know you.

Fishers of Men – Connections Hour

The Fishers of Men class meets Sunday mornings at 9:45 a.m. Without judgment, this group of men welcomes all men. Our aim is to connect you to God and others, with the result of a life on a mission towards God’s purposes through Bible study, fellowship, and prayer.

Men’s Breakfast

Food, fellowship, and fun; more than just some “guy times.” These are times for us to support each other, as the Body of Christ and as men of God.
*We meet on Saturdays in the fall and spring. Upcoming dates to be announced.

Men’s Steak Fry

The Steak Fry has become an annual event which includes great fellowship, delicious steak dinners, and an inspirational speaker sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. A variety of speakers including athletes, hunters, military and survivors have challenged and encouraged those in attendance. 
Our guest speaker for 2024 was Al Lindner, who is one of the most renowned leaders in the fishing industry, and ranks among the world’s best all-around anglers. As co-host of Lindner’s Angling Edge television series, Al is one of the most-recognized angling authorities in North America. He is in five different fishing halls of fame and is a two-time Bassmaster tournament winner. A committed man of faith, Al lives in the tradition of the New Testament fishermen who were the first disciples of Jesus Christ. They accepted our Lord’s invitation: “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
If you didn’t make it to the Men’s Steak Fry, check out the video from the event. Feel free to share it with others as well. You will be encouraged and challenged.


No Regrets Simulcast


This is a live stream simulcast from Brookfield, WI, with amazing guest speakers that will encourage you as a man, as a husband, and as a father. 

There are opportunities to connect with other men during the day to further discuss the though provoking topics shared by these speakers. It is an incredible day of encouragement for your personal and spiritual growth.

Fall Chili Cook-off

Bring your favorite chili recipe and let the cooking begin. A bit of competition with some great tasting food, just what guys enjoy! We have a lot of fun with some great fellowship. During this event, there are also opportunities to learn more about upcoming fall and winter events.

“Live as free men… live as servants of God… love the brotherhood of believers, fear God.”

1 Peter 2:16-17


---Ministry Leadership

Pastor Matt Baker
Associate Pastor of Discipleship

Terry Anderson
Men’s Ministry Team Leader